
Doctoring Soft body transformations in Nuke -- Part I -- Combination of ST Map and keen tools

  Hey Guys,  So today we are here to witness on how to harness the full potential of engineering the transformations in nuke using several techniques.  I was thinking about this quote,  " The purest form of pleasure is none other than having mind control and being discipline" told by a wise man. Today, I am here to talk about ST maps, As we know basically, ST maps have various uses for it own. but, some of it manipulates the transformations, for our comp basically.  For going in deep into this everyone knows what and normal map is.  Not information in black and white data from ranging 0 to 1 which creates bumps and displacement within the 3D surface.   Exactly like that ST map takes the uv coordinates and uses the map to doctor the transformation happening.  lets see Some applications regarding that. The first one  we are about to see this tuckins like fat, clothes and beauty fix.  This is one of the application that every composito...

2D to 3D in Nuke -- Surface_VOP Part I -- Revolutionary Surface Compositing in Nuke

  Hey guys actually I was wondering about posting a Blog. This blog is about converting or using attribute to force or manipulate another attribute. So in Houdini converting attribute is very common. So the first thing that came to my mind after using our manipulating attributes but why shouldn't we use this in Nuke to use to compose it or any kind of purpose so the thing what I did was to create a gizmo which uses a 2D image based on the 2D image it uses a 3D representation or a 3D surface which matches 90% accurate to all kinds of cloth or any surface type of shots a body a cloth or any kind of shots.  For example we can convert the lighting attribute or a luminous Channel or red Channel green Channel blue Channel any channel to manipulate or Force another attribute like transform attribute or any color or anything that's professional in Nuke. So let's talk about Houdini for a bit, Houdini is a software which is very procedural and similar to new and can be used to attain...

Beauty of screen composting in Nuke -- Part I

 Hey guys,  I am here with another post regarding Screen compositing in a green or blue screen footages.           As everyone knows blue screen/green screen is specifically and mostly used for keying or matte extracting or whatever you may call. Offcourse we would go through keying in different post, but here we are just going to see my way of comping monitor or mobile screens when you are given with a green/blue screen plate. The catch here is we are going to do  this without keying. Lets first analyse the nature of green and blue screen. The main thing what green screen does is isolate an element of the input apart from other things, so that we can comp it with other BG elements or other stuff. But we are going to use some other things from the green screen so that we maximize the laws of physics. For now we are going to seperate the screen comping process into layers. 1) Compositing 2) Bringing back the reflections 3) Interacting with sur...